I mean, where do i begin?!  Sri lanka, you are a hidden gem!  We stayed at the cutest little hotel called CEYLON SLIDERS in Weligama, across from the raddest little island with waves to surf.  We surfed our brains out literally, everyday, and got sun poisoning while we were at it. Marissa surf spot was definitely a highlight during this trip, the sickest back drop to surf, palm tree heaven behind you while you catch this perfect little right.  We started our days with the best iced coffee's and avocado toast's from Ceylon Sliders Cafe, which was beyond good.  Then we'd always check the island in front of us to see if it was breaking, if it was, we'd hop in for a surf.  By the time we came in, it was almost always lunch time, so we'd make our way down the road to soul cafe in a tuk-tuk which costed about 150-200 rupees.  On our way back, we would either go for a surf out front of our hotel or make our way to fisherman's point by tuk-tuk (another wave with a bit of a far paddle). The waves here are soooo fun for long-boarding and not to mention everything is so picturesque, it literally doesn't feel real.  Then half way into our trip we finally rode the train, which was an experience of a life time.  It was like stepping back into time, who knows how old that train was, some of them have said to have been from the 40's.  I definitely felt immersed into the culture of sri lanka, and fun fact, sri lanka was originally named ceylon and in 1972 they changed the name, which makes sense of why a lot of things around the towns have ceylon everywhere.  Riding in those tuk-tuks which are those little mopeds with a covered seat on the back, was intense but sooo cool.  Thinking you might die though every time you rode in one, it was nerve racking.  The way everyone drives here is so terrifying, but its just different street etiquette.  Communicating through honking and hand signals, and weaving in and around other vehicles, yes my heart was racing riding passenger on the roads of sri lanka.  But the sickest thing about the tuk-tuk's was taking them to go for a surf, they would strap our boards on the roof, we'd tell them where we wanted to go, and off we went.  I couldn't believe we had made our way to sri lanka from hawaii; a 10 hour flight to korea, a 5 hour layover, another 8 hour flight to colombo and then a 3 hour car ride to weligama. Travel was intense but it was definitely worth it, an experience of a life time and memories made with great humans, a trip i could never forget!  A destination i'd never imagine i'd make it too and i think im going to make my way back one day in the future.